BergsBrain is a story telling comedy podcast hosted by stand-up comedian and writer Doug Berg. Each podcast episode focuses on one main topic with stream of thought tangents covering a variety of ideas and observations residing in the deep recesses of Berg’s brain that enhance, call back, and ultimately come full circle to the initial subject. Imagine standup comedy meets the improvisational style of jazz or The Grateful Dead. The show launched March 2021.
BergsBrainBits Volume 1
Doug Berg
Season 3
Episode 10
BergsBrainBits Volume 1 is a look back to my early standup comedy days over 30 years ago and the style and type of jokes I began my standup career with. Strongly influenced by Jerry Seinfeld and Steven Wright, I hope it provides a bit of insight into my mind at the time and the trajectory over the course of 30 plus years to find my voice as a long form story telling humorist. So jump aboard the train, get a little insane, gettin' inside BergsBrain.
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